“The business that fails to plan, plans to fail”


What this quote means to me (“The business that fails to plan, plans to fail) is that I need to do my homework, meaning…. Research, networking, take some business class if you can have patience, work hard, never give up be preoared for barriers, listen have faith and stay prayful.

Everything that you want to succeed in life take some kind of planning. The lack of planning in your life will show through the achievements you have gain the goals you are trying to reach. Not saying you will not achieve your goals if you dont plan, but it will be alot harder, stresful and a big possibility of failure.  Even a Homemake need to make a plan if she want a less stressful life raising her children and taking care of the daily duties in the home.  I am not saying you have to make a plan, but I am saying planning things out makes a big difference in your life, rather its a plan for your health, family, carreer or schooling.

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